workplace and health safety policy

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Go through our workplace and health safety policy.

Our Work Health and Safety (WHS) policies outline our WHS obligations to people who interact with us.

The policies apply to staff, contractors, other workers and customers.

They outline the objectives and duties of Services Australia as well as the duties of all:

  • staff and other workers
  • officers
  • other people.

We commit to complying with our WHS obligations set out in the:

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011
  • Codes of Practice.

We’ll, as far as is reasonably possible, ensure:

  • your work health and safety
  • that other people are not put at risk from work carried out for, or on behalf of, Services Australia.

To get a copy of our WHS policies, email our WHS Governance and Strategy team.

Not complying with these policies could be misconduct. It may result in a breach of the APS Code of Conduct.

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011

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